10 tips to choose the best graphic designer

If you know nothing about design, choosing a graphic designer may seem like a daunting task. However, you don’t have to try that hard. All the designers you evaluate will have good qualifications and good recommendations. The trick is to find someone you can work with easily; the rest will fall into place on its own. Certainly, the designer should have a natural personality, which will make the work process easier. However, there are other things you can keep in mind when choosing a designer. So, together with 2 x 3, we bring you 10 tips to help you choose the best graphic designer.

Set clear expectations for your goals

The designer needs to have as much information as possible before embarking on the project. Therefore, during the creative or brainstorming period, equip them with details about your company, the type of designer you’re looking for, and the qualifications you need. They will also need to know what the goal of the project is.

Be sure to tell them up front what the project timeline and deadlines look like. If there are roadblocks that could block the way, it would be best if you lay them bare before they submit proposals for the project. Equally important is to ensure that the designer has a good understanding of what is expected. That will minimize the risk of snags down the road.

Know what skills you want in a graphic designer

Knowing a little about the basics of design is obviously a big help when it comes to hiring a designer. This understanding will help you identify what skill set you need for your project. It also helps you make sense of the proposals when you start reviewing them.

Depending on your project, you may need a designer who is versatile and knows how to create concepts on a variety of platforms. Hence, a good designer should be comfortable with print advertising as well as video and web pages.

Measure the candidate’s ability to work under pressure

To gauge how well a candidate thinks on their feet, ask a spontaneous question during the interview. You’ll put the graphic designer off guard, and that’s how you’ll find out how quickly he or she can think on his or her feet. Some people can’t function under pressure, which may not be ideal for your project. Considering that, you may need a designer with a deft mind, and there are bound to be times when the pressure of work builds up.

Ask them off the cuff what they think about any given design and how they would have designed it. Also, you need someone who can think outside the box, someone whose creative thought process is sharp and timely. As a result, the designer’s answers to these questions will help you evaluate whether they are a good fit for the price I’m giving you.


Don’t settle for the portfolio

The designers you settle for probably have impresive portfolios. This is important physical evidence of the work they’ve done, but it shouldn’t be the determining factor. Take a look at their portfolios, sure, but also ask questions about how each design came about. Firstly, ask what inspired them on a particular design. This will guide you in understanding the designer’s creative thought process.

Getting a sense of their inner creativity helps you better understand how you can complement them. Likewise, provide inspiration on your part.

Offer a trial project

We all know that people tend to say they can deliver things they really can’t deliver. Although a designer may have good academic performances, he or she might have no practical experience. In this sense, the best way to gauge how well they will deliver is to offer them a small trial project. Completing the project should take only a few hours.

This allows you to narrow down and screen your candidates. The test could be a tweak of a previous project, or the design of a simple logo. This will allow you to see first hand how each graphic designer works. And the test should be paid, but only to give a little extra motivation and so that they don’t think you’re trying to take advantage of them.


Find out what the designer requires from you

The designer will have a list of requirements for you. So do not hesitate to ask up front what they will need during the project. Overall, this ensures that everything runs smoothly and reduces setbacks that could later serve as an excuse.

On the other hand, understand the designer’s process before they go live. This way, you can anticipate their needs and what they expect from you. These needs could be anything from discussing design concepts, to testing concepts, to providing feedback. Similarly, they could also be physical items such as artwork and documentation.


Request a video call (or meet in person)

The most important aspect of talking to an interviewee is to watch their facial expressions and body language. It is impossible to determine what type of person you are talking to if you talk to them on the phone. To do so, request a brief video call or a face-to-face meeting so you have a better idea of who you are dealing with. Certainly, you can almost tell a person’s personality by observing their body language and facial expressions. You can also tell if you’ll be able to get along with them just by the way they answer questions and how long it takes them to answer them.

Moreover, the candidate can also share their sketches and previous experiences with you much more fluently and in depth this way.

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Be clear about your ideal audience

You should be very clear about what your goals are and who your audience will be. Firstly, you are familiar with your brand, because it’s what you do every day. Not everyone understands what you do. Remember this and make sure your designer thoroughly understands your brand. Once he does, it will be easy for him to conceptualize your idea. Secondly, make sure the designer understands how the brand relates to your customers.

Ask them what inspires them

Take the initiative to find out what inspires each of the designers you interact with. Get to know the different things that inspire them, whether it’s books, brands or artists. Delving into their minds from this angle will also give you different ideas. Also, you can obtain unique design elements for the project you propose.

Appreciate ingenious ideas


The things that inspire them also go a long way in revealing the designer’s qualities and creative thought processes. We are all inspired by different things, and simple and improbable things generally inspire creative people. Although you don’t choose a particular designer, your thoughts and inspirations can spark ideas in your mind that you can use in your project.

In addition, choosing a designer is not just about specific skills or academic papers. They must be innately creative and innovative. That is to say that reading a person’s resume and looking at their portfolio is not enough. Therefore, you must be able to sit down with that person and examine their creative side and how well they fit with you.


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