31 May 2022


What do we mean when we say sustainable design?

In recent times the word sustainability has begun to be more and more used to the point that it has lost part of its meaning. What do we talk about when we talk about sustainable design? Foto: SCOTT WARMAN ECO-FRIENDLY DESIGN IS NOT SUSTAINABLE. SUSTAINABLE DESIGN IS ECO- FRIENDLY. No matter what Donald Trump says, climate change and global warming are

What do we mean when we say sustainable design? Continúa leyendo »

How to add value to the product with the packaging design

The image and presentation of a product or package offered by the company depends on the packaging, which must represent something more than a protective wrapping. That is why you should count on the help of a professional for packaging design. These professionals will make your brand image stand out from the rest and your product will get more value.

How to add value to the product with the packaging design Continúa leyendo »

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Ñuñoa, Santiago.