Concept Design ConserBar
ConserBar’s partners approached Hey Design with a logo and an idea: to open an establishment offering signature cocktails in Barrio Italia, rescuing the Chilean and reinventing the neighborhood’s heritage.
Hey Design was in charge of the concept design of the bar, working on the development of the brand; establishing a clear purpose, determining a target positioning and designing the brand strategy with its complete visual identity.
The brand design for this bar results in a modern and cozy place that seeks to rescue the urban, cultural and social heritage of the area through signature cocktails and Chilean cuisine in a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere.
Like most bars and restaurants in the country, ConserBar was hard hit by the arrival of Covid-19 in Chile, forcing it to reinvent itself and adapt to the delivery format. We quickly designed cost-effective labels and packaging that would be able to continue delivering the ConserBar experience at home.
Read more about how we adapted to this situation in the interview we did for VAS magazine

Al igual que la mayoría de los bares y restaurantes del país, ConserBar se vio duramente afectado con la llegada del Covid-19 a Chile, forzandolo a reinventarse y adaptarse al formato de delivery. Rápidamente diseñamos etiquetas y envases económicos que fueran capaces de seguir entregando la experiencia ConserBar a domicilio.