Complete rebranding for agricultural products
The brand redesign work for AgroBrisol – eventually Copargo – has been one of the most inspiring projects we have worked on.
AgroBrisol is a Chilean company that was founded in 1994 marketing seeds and over the years and with the drive of its founder (in a mainly male market) has grown to become a major marketer of agro-products and environmental health solutions.
Almost 20 years later, it is still a family business with a close relationship with its customers to whom they are always ready to lend a hand and give the best advice.
They contacted us with the need to generate a new trademark-able image that would represent the company they are today and help them to insert themselves in the digital world.
The rebranding led by Hey went from the name change to the development of the new identity, website and offices.
We were interested in finding the middle ground between the professionalism of their experience with the human warmth and closeness of the team.